A Shamanic Solution to Global Gas-Lighting

Escaping the Matrix of Disinformation

As I observe the unfolding of world events, it appears that a great number of people have become enmeshed in an extremely unhealthy and codependent relationship with sociopathic aspects of social media.  Just as an individual recovering from codependency and narcissistic abuse needs time and assistance to heal; so does our society and culture.

Partisan politics in mainstream media has been readily apparent to any sentient observer for decades and now Social Media has been weaponized at an alarming rate.   Intelligence services of multiple competing nations have developed Bots which create tens of thousands of fake social media accounts per day in order to manipulate the dialogue on social media towards their nefarious objectives.  The siege on social media is the modern, high tech version of dropping propaganda leaflets out of airplanes during the cold war and provides a way for less wealthy or militarily powerful nations to wage asymmetrical warfare against more powerful ones.   The US is a prime target as are Western European Nations, Australia, New Zealand and other democratic countries that have minimal restrictions on free speech.  We are under assault from sophisticated psychological warfare operations perpetrated not only by these foreign actors; but also by our own political leaders who distribute their own “alternate facts” while simultaneously denying and turning a blind eye to any foreign assaults which they believe will benefit their partisan agendas.

Many people, locked at home for months on end, have become saturated with conflicting narratives of disinformation and this has led to massive psychological pressure as the cognitive dissonance disrupts the ability of the human brain to properly assimilate and analyze information.   Disinformation, or smear campaigns, is typical of tactics employed by narcissists, sociopaths and others who suffer from Cluster B personality disorders.   People who are on the receiving end of gas lighting and other forms of narcissistic abuse report the following symptoms: dissociation, unable to distinguish truth from lies, walking on eggshells, self-isolation, unable to move-on, putting their basic needs aside and sacrificing emotional and even physical safety to please the abuser, as well as justifying or minimizing the abuse.

Anyone who has experienced narcissistic abuse on a personal level will easily recognize how these symptoms are taking hold in the general population.   After six months of disorganized response to the risks of Covid-19 and the proliferation of extremely toxic disinformation by well-funded sociopaths of diverse and often conflicting agendas; the general population is in a state of crisis.   Just take a brief look at social media to see how these symptoms are widespread and growing.

The indoctrination of hate and conflict in our society is nearing a point of no return.  Our grounding in truth has been undercut and our mind-streams have been polluted with programming by disinformation peddlers from near and far.  We are near the breaking point as a society; and urgent intervention is required.

How Do We Escape The Cycle of Abuse?

Understanding what we are dealing with is the first step.  In my personal experience of confronting narcissistic individuals, it is clear that their strategy is to create conflict and feed on the energy released from the conflict.   Some people thrive on negative attention, they feed on pain; this is what is now playing out on a mass global scale.  Watching individuals who pursue a willful agenda to create conflict rather than finding mutually agreeable solutions has been a valuable lesson for me and an appropriate analogy for the larger scale political theater.

When I view the energy of gas-lighting and disinformation through my Shamanic vision, it appears as a filter between our crown and source energy.   This filter distorts the natural spiritual guidance and inspiration that is available to us through our connection to source.  Just as light passing through a colored film will change in frequency to match the color of the film; so too does the light from source become distorted to resemble the manipulative intent of the filter as it passes through it and into us.

These filters are held in place by energetic parasites which have the appearance of black holes, the gravitational arms of which reach into weak points in the energy field of an individual to anchor themselves.  These weak points in the energy field occur at a place where an individual carries unresolved emotional wounds; these wounds provide the fertile soil into which the tentacles of the negative thought form can attach and grow.   If the individual then replicates this thought form with others, the parasite spreads.

The appearance of the vision is the same whether the distortion is from a single individual gas-lighting another on a personal level or from a megalomaniac politician attempting to gaslight a nation; the only difference is the size and scope of the filter and the number of people to whom it attaches.  Just as an individual narcissist will attempt to exploit the wounds of her target; so too do the nefarious powers which act on a societal and global level prey on the deep common wounds of the society such as systemic racism where points of attachment can be easily found. 

There are many filters which distort our vision; however the most dangerous filters are the ones which incite hate, violence and conflict; that strive to divide us because of our differences; and which have a widespread prevalence over large masses of people.   Many of these parasites and filters are unconscious, societal or global agreements which have been enmeshed in the human psyche for centuries or millennial; today they are being willfully exploited with advanced psychological techniques and spread via technology at great risk to our society as a whole. 

In my Shamanic journeys, these mass filters appear similarly to the block hole shapes which interfere with individuals, but in this case they are giant conglomerations that hover over humanity and attach to great masses of people, driving them to conflict with each other and exasperating the common wounds of society so as to feed on the energy released during conflict.  The creation of conflict is the primary method by which these parasites perpetuate themselves.   They feed on the conflict. The greater the conflict that can be created between people; the more the parasite spreads.

These parasites do not possess an independent soul no more than does a black hole in space.  They are perpetuated by the human mind and are strengthened by the conscious, willful projections of negative thought forms by protagonists employing nefarious means to attempt to achieve their objectives.  These protagonists attempt to utilize these parasites for personal gain; however more often than not, the parasite takes over the person trying to use it and perpetuates itself by infecting its new host.

In Shamanism we define dark sorcery as the use of non-physical means to influence, manipulate, harm or control another human without their knowledge or consent.   It is called dark sorcery or black magic because it operates hidden from view, without the knowledge or consent of the person being targeted through the use of projected parasitic thought forms to harm them.   The dark sorcerer believes they are in control of the parasitic entities which he/she is employing to cause harm; but in fact these entities cannot be controlled by the sorcerer and will eventually consume the sorcerer who was so blinded by lust and greed as to meddle with these forces.  When the host is depleted, and only an empty shell of what was once a human being remains, the parasite will have no more use for the host, having extracted all the life energy that it can from him, and will discard him to his feeble end.   This is the way of parasites and is the reason why strong ethics and a standard of informed consent in the use of Shamanism (even for healing purposes) are so important.

The Path Forward…

How then can we help ourselves and our planet if we are limited to working only with those who consciously ask for assistance?  If we are not allowed to influence bad actors directly through Shamanic methods in order to make them change their behavior, how then can we bring healing to ourselves and the Web of Life? 

The answer lies within us.  We must detach ourselves from the global and personal parasites which try to feed on us and then help others who request similar assistance.   In order to be effective, we must recognize the parasite for what it is and make a conscious choice to not engage with the energy of conflict through which it spreads.  

When we stand neutral and authentic in the center; we can shine the light of awareness on the darkness (first in ourselves and then in the larger spheres around us).  In this manner, the narcissistic and parasitic behavior of bad actors is forced from its shadows and it loses its powers.  Light and dark cannot exist without each other.  When we understand this, we no longer are consumed with fear of the darkness and the desire to avoid confronting our own spiritual wounds.  The darkness becomes known, it is no longer so dark, and this is the beginning of light filling the void of darkness.

As anyone who has dealt with a narcissist in their personal life will know; the lies and deceit will continue; they will object and attempt to gaslight you into believing that “you are the one with the problem” and that everything you see them doing is really what you are doing yourself.   They will try to poke at your wounds.   It is nasty stuff, but these distortions and lies are only the attempts of the parasite to cover the light with shadow and to further obfuscate the truth.  We must hold strong to our center of neutrality and understand that these lashings out are the reactions of darkness when it is exposed to the light.   It may go out kicking and screaming; but the parasite cannot stand the light.

We can free ourselves from the web of dysfunction by remaining neutral in the face of the global gas-lighting.  It is so easy for us to feel rightly outraged by the failures of leadership and immoral actions of many in the world around us; especially as their words and actions strike at our vulnerabilities; but when we react, we open a doorway for the parasite to attach.   We must understand that reaction is what the protagonist is looking for, reaction is how the parasite feeds; it attacks through our mind to try to possess our spirit and it feeds on our pain.  When we understand that this is how the parasite operates, that the parasite is highly contagious and that it spreads through fear and conflict; we are better able to maintain our neutrality and contain our life force energy within ourselves.  We can protect ourselves by practicing “Spiritual Distancing” (keeping ourselves at a safely disengaged from toxic and parasitic entities) and “Spiritual Hygiene (scanning ourselves for places where the parasite may lie hidden and acting to remove it from ourselves).   There is no vaccine for the parasite.  We all must protect ourselves in order to control the pandemic of fear, conflict and hate.

