Complimentary Shamanic Journey Video
Learn How to Meet Your Power Animal
Shamanic Journey with the Drum
Starting Your Shamanic Journey
Pick your starting point
Choose a place in Nature.
Choose a place which you have visited in Physical Flesh Reality.
Choose a place that invites a downward feeling and will serve as an opening to the Lower World such as a cave, spring, lake, hollow of a tree, etcetera.
You will leave from the same point each time you journey to the Lower World.
Do Not Seek Power, Seek Right Alignment
Power will result naturally when we achieve greater alignment with the world spirit nature and our environment
When the drumming starts
Lie down in a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed.
Cover your eyes with an eye pillow.
Use your intent to move with your Spirit Mind to your starting point.
Start your descent to the Lower World by looking for a tunnel or tube going down from your starting point.
If the paths split, always take the path leading down.
Continue to the end of the tunnel and exit outdoors.
Once you exit the tunnel, you are in the Lower World.
During Your Shamanic Journey
The tunnel is your energetic and psychic protection as you journey through the Middle World.
The tunnel is a guideline so that you do not get lost or sidetracked along your way.
Once you exit the tunnel, confirm that you are in the Lower World before proceeding by asking “Am I in the Lower World?”
If you receive the answer “yes” then proceed with the intention of your journey.
If you receive a “no”; ask to be taken or guided to the Lower World and continue until you receive confirmation that you are in the Lower World.
The intention of your first journey is to meet your Power Animal and receive healing.
The more you focus on your intent; the easier it will be for you to journey.
If you lose focus, get lost or confused during your journey simply go back to the last place you were in the journey which you remember clearly and restate your intent.
You are learning to Command Your Dreaming, it is a practice, be kind to yourself and understand that your ability to Command Your Dreaming will develop over time.
Returning from Your Shamanic Journey
After your Shamanic journey always return fully to Physical Flesh Reality.
It is essential that we learn to walk in both the World of Flesh and the World of Spirit”; this is how train ourselves to shift gracefully at will between Physical Reality and The Dreamtime.
We do not want to limit ourselves to one or the other, we are learning to Command our Dreaming, to gain true freedom.
When you hear the call back signal on the drum, finish what you are doing in your journey and begin your return to your physical body.
You return by reversing the path that you traveled, recollecting the events of your journey along the way.
Once back in the Middle World at your starting point, return to your body here and now and ground back into your body in Flesh Reality.
Record your experiences by writing them in a journal
Use a journal that Is reserved exclusively for Shamanic Spirit Medicine.
Write down your exact experiences.
Do not conflate your interpretations of your experiences with your actual experiences.
If you have an interpretation or question about what you experienced, mark that clearly as your own interpretation/question and journey again to answer your question and/or determine if your interpretation is correct.
Each Individual has a Unique Method of Receiving Information in the Spirit World
Sight, Sound, Feeling, Knowing are all Valid Methods of Receiving Information
Embrace the form of communication that comes most naturally to you
Different individuals are more predisposed to certain ways of receiving information.
Just because someone is more visual when they journey does not mean that their experience is more authentic, their healing deeper, or that they are more skilled.
Visual experiences can be validating at first because as predominantly a visual species they can be easier to accept, but that does not make them better in any way.
When we develop confidence in our own unique way of communicating with the Spirit World, we will achieve a dramatic sense of grounding and self-trust.