Shamanic Spirit Medicine
Healing That Works
What is Shamanic Spirit Medicine?
Shamanic Spirit Medicine is a coherent, effective and easy to follow Shamanic Healing System that helps us heal on our most fundamental level. We release behaviors that no longer serve us and embrace new ways of being which allow us to live our full potential.
Shamanic Spirit Medicine cuts through the jargon often associated with spiritual and shamanic practice and present clear, easy to follow guidelines for using the power of Shamanic Healing to create immediate and lasting positive results.
Mission Statement
Shamanic Spirit Medicine’s Mission is to Help Humanity Return to Balance and Right Relationship by Normalizing the Ethical, Life Affirming Use of Shamanic Practice with Empathy and Integrity.
We Help Students Cultivate Their Own Unique Gifts and Access Higher Levels of Awareness, Skill & Healing.
“The Work Scott is Doing is Urgently Needed.
He is One of the Truest Bridges Between the Grounded Everyday Navigations of Life & The Esoteric Aspects of Healing in Shamanic Journeywork”
Scott Silverston, International Shamanism Teacher
Scott Silverston - Web of Life Shaman
Scott is a leader in the International Shamanic Teaching Community serving students and clients around the world.
Scott is a Graduate of Duke University and former Director of a major private trade finance company who quit the corporate world to dedicate his career to teaching Shamanism and making a Positive Impact on the Web of Life.
Scott focuses his teaching on Normalizing Shamanic Consciousness as an ancient and effective method of achieving balance both personally and collectively.
Scott helps his students trust and refine their natural gifts and gain the skills to effectively navigate both the spirit world and the world of ordinary flesh reality.
“I Want To Thank You For What You Have Done For Me, And For Being A Light To Those Lost In The Darkness.”
Statement of Intent
My Vision is to Normalize Shamanic Consciousness so Humans can Embrace Our Natural Role as Caretakers and Custodians of the Web of Life. Shamanism is a Gift for All People, a Gift for Everyone who wishes to use this Medicine in Right Relationship with Life Affirming Intent.
Creator, Allow this Good Medicine to Ripple Through the Web of Life and Bring Harmony, Healing and Balance to All Things.
“Thank you for Bringing this Work to the World. I have Learned So Much from you as a Teacher.”
What I Teach and What I Don’t
I teach each individual to access and enhance their own unique direct connection with Creator on a personal level and to ground that connection into physical reality with the intention of generating positive change.
I support your development by teaching you tools and techniques that are time-tested, safe and effective. I never impose my interpretation on your spiritual vision, but instead teach you how to find the answers for yourself. I will not “guide” your shamanic journeys, nor will I “suggest” what Spirit is attempting to communicate with you.
I will teach you how to access your Spirit Mind and give you a framework for undertaking spiritual inquiry that will allow you to directly receive spiritual healing and guidance without distortion. For healers who wish to incorporate this work in what they do, I teach you how to apply shamanic healing in a professional practice.
“I Really Enjoy the Way You Help Us Unfold Journeys & Answer Questions, Leaving Space for Self Discovery.
I have Received So Much Insight Through These Courses!.”
Healing Trauma with Applied Shamanism - Scott Silverston, Shamanism Teacher
How It Works
Shamanic Spirit Medicine presents a clear and easy to follow protocol for using Shamanic Journeys to overwrite dysfunctional and self-limiting imprints and replace them with optimally functioning ones. This process allows you to change at the most fundamental level, to grow and live your full potential.
Once you master this system for yourself, you will learn to apply it for the benefit of others.
“I Feel Completely Supported And Guided By You Throughout My Apprenticeship
Your Teachings Have Allowed Me To Enjoy Being Connected With The Physical World And Bridge It With The Spiritual Realm In A Totally Natural, Loving, And Empowering Way
I Am Really Happy I Found Shamanic Spirit Medicine; Thank You!”
Go Deeper
Emotional charges from our various life events imprint us so that we respond to environmental factors reflexively without having to think or logic our way through every choice first. The stronger the emotional charge, the stronger and deeper the imprint.
Limitation in our functioning arises when our imprints and the emotional charges associated with them outlive the environmental circumstances in which they are appropriate. Essentially, the old pattern outlives its “use by” date and is no longer relevant to the physically observable reality.
Shamanic Spirit Medicine teaches you how to use shamanism to identify dysfunctional and self-limiting imprinting and to overwrite it with optimally functioning imprints that allow us to heal, grow and live our full potential as human beings.
Where Do I Begin?
That Which Belongs to All
I teach only that which belongs to all people; that which is every person’s sovereign birthright.
I specialize in teaching how to Reclaim Your Spiritual Sovereignty from Energy Vampires; how to Communicate Directly with Creator and discover your Path of Right Relationship; how to Develop and Maintain Spiritual Grounding; and how to Cultivate your Personal Health, Vitality, Wellness, and Balance while simultaneously caring for others.
That Which Belongs to a Culture
I do not teach or practice culturally specific ceremonies such as sweat lodge as these ceremonies belong to the specific culture from which they originate. These traditions should be performed or taught only by someone trained and initiated within the context of that culture. When I offer culturally specific work through this platform it is in collaboration with someone who is trained within that culture.
“Shamanic Spirit Medicine has been is the Beginning of a Series of Life-Changing Experiences.”
Shamanism is Accessible to Every Human
Scott enables each student to use shamanic consciousness as a tool to shift the deep, sub-consciousness agreements we have about life and our place in the world. As we bring ourselves into right alignment; healing occurs for ourselves, our families, our communities and our planet.
Normalizing Shamanic Consciousness
Just as almost all humans dream, all humans have the ability to access Shamanic Consciousness and the Spirit Mind. After certuries of repression, it is time to normalize shamanic consciousness to help heal the wounds inflicted on humanity and Mother Earth
Scott does not use nor advocate the use of drugs or psychedelic substances in his work. These substances are completely unnecessary and are in fact often a hindrance (or worse) as they can habituate the user to a specific pathway of accessing Spirit Mind that later prevents or makes it harder for the user to access his/her Spirit Mind without the substance.
Scott is an authentic and plain speaking teacher who demystifies the process of Spiritual healing and helps each student ground their spiritual learning into the solidity of practical day to day reality.
Courses are geared to both established healing professionals and anyone who is serious about their commitment to their own personal growth and self healing. Healers with decades of experience have described Scott’s course work as the missing link in their practice and a unifying methodology that combines with all other modalities.
“I Am Astounded Every Time By My Experiences In These Journeys.
Very Powerful!
This Work Goes Very Deep!
I’m Grateful For All The Lessons And Insight.”
What Makes Shamanic Spirit Medicine Unique?
Spirit Medicine is unique because we are the only shamanic training program that emphasizes the cultivation of vitality, longevity and energetic and spiritual immunity as an essential companion to the practice of shamanic healing. Cultivation practices are an essential ingredient to living a healthy and happy life and for a student to become a sustainable practitioner with a long, successful and balanced career. With my background in Taoist internal healing arts, I follow the middle path, balancing the grounded necessities of physical reality with the compassionate energy of the heart and the divine inspiration of the spirit world. I emphasize developing all 3 energies in balance with one another, ensuring that every student proceeds in an effective and health giving way.
One of the most important aspects of our training is that we are able to affirm our own wellness as well as that of others and we do not fall into the trap of martyrdom where we become frustrated, depleted or even depressed because we lack the capacity to ground or achieve our lofty goals. This is why Shamanic Spirit Medicine provides comprehensive training in the use of shamanic journeying for self-mastery, self-protection and personal growth and I require proficiency in this area as a prerequisite before inviting students to proceed to advanced training such as soul retrieval, extraction technique, psychopomp and session work. Many shamanic healing programs teach advanced techniques without a foundation in self-mastery which greatly limits the effectiveness of the art. I have worked with a substantial number of good hearted and well intentioned students who had previously invested significant time, energy and money into other training programs only to discover that they need to repeat their learning process because they have missed the essential ingredient provided in our Shamanic Self Mastery training.
When a student completes their Apprenticeship Training with Shamanic Spirit Medicine, they are ready to see clients professionally and to apply their healing gifts in the world in a practical and effective way.