Shamanic Medicine Drums
Hand Painted With Your Power Animals
Custom Order Only
by Visionary Shamanic Artist David Craig of the Ojibwe-Chippewa Nation

There are many different styles and types of drums and each continent has different processes and drum-making procedures. David Craig is a Visionary Shamanic Artist and Master Drum Maker, a Ceremonial Dancer, and a member of the Ojibwe-Chippewa Nation.
The very first drum-making in this tribe originated from the visions of a female who had gone to hide in the reeds during unrest in the camp. She saw the first drum as a hollow log, and was shown by tribal elders how to wrap the deer or elk hide around it and prepare the drum.
Dave incorporates both the physical and spiritual aspects of drum-making into his craftsmanship including prayers to all the elements which make up your drum (the tree which has given the wood, the animal who has given its skin, etc). As part of the Drum Making Process Dave will speak with you to understand your personal vision of the Dreamtime and your Spirit Helpers; and he only begins to paint your drum once he too has visioned your Power Animals in the Spirit World.
You can email David directly for more information or to order a drum.
How To Build A Shaman’s Drum Video Tutorial
14 Minute Tutorial Video on How to Build Your Own Shamanic Drum with Visionary Shamanic Artist and Master Drum Maker David Craig in Collaboration with Shamanic Spirit Medicine.
Enjoy our Complimentary Shamanic Drum Track
Practice Shamanic Journey Work
Listen to Our Shamanic Drum Track
Drumming for Shamanic Journey
These Drum Tracks are Produced Specifically for the Purpose of Inducing Shamanic Journey After Receiving Instruction Through Our Shamanic Training Program
These Tracks are NOT intended to be Provide Ambience, Relaxation or Listening Pleasure