Vision Quest on Kauai
We Undertake Vision Quest to Gain Clarity about our Path in Life, Our Walk, Our Purpose. For what purpose was I placed here by Creator?
A Vision Quest brings us both Healing and Guidance. The Healing helps us move forward effectively on our path. The Guidance sparks our healing.
While on your Quest, your first objective is to Silence The Internal Dialog so you can better observe the Web of Life, the ebbs and flows of movement and stillness. When we slow down and empty our mind of distracting chatter, we are able to Expand our Circle of Awareness. As our awareness of our surroundings increases, so does our understand of the Web of Life, how it is woven and our place within it.
From this point of understanding, we are then able to ask for Spiritual Healing and Guidance. We become Aligned and Activated to fulfill our purpose. This is our Vision.
A Vision Quest does not require that the spiritual communication we receive come to us in visual format. It is common to also receive spiritual communication as auditory or kinesthetic experience or as “a knowing”. Our Spiritual Vision is received through a combination of seeing, feeling, hearing and knowing.
A Vision Quest is generally undertaken for 4 days but can also be shorter duration. Full length Vision Quests are available to my advanced students only, we must have an established teacher/student relationship in order to safely & effectively undertake the quest.
A Nature Immersion with add on of Shamanic Healing Session will provide life changing results if you have note yet enrolled in our Shamanic Apprenticeship and is a great way to receive deep healing and guidance about major life decisions.
“Inner Vision Communicates to us in Signs, Symbols, Visions & Feelings”
Traditionally, Vision Quests can involve hardships such as fasting, exposure to the elements and deprivation of sleep. Being raised in modern society most of us are not used to such hardships; therefore when I facilitate Vision Quest I do not impose strict guidelines for fasting, silence and lack of shelter unless this is something that you truly seek for yourself. We can achieve great wisdom and healing from immersion in nature without extreme hardship.
Touching the land lightly, allowing ourselves to be truly immersed and present in nature, and observing very light diet or semi-fasting are extremely important factors contributing to a rewarding experience. If you choose to join me for a Vision Quest on Kauai, I will customize the difficulty and exertion of our adventure together to your unique situation in order to maximize the benefit you receive from the experience.
Vision Quests are customized specifically for each person. Contact Scott to discuss what will best meet your unique needs.