In the Shamanic viewpoint, when a person’s behavior defies logical explanation, the Shaman looks for the possibility that a possessing and potentially malevolent spirit has attached itself to the person in question.   These spirits can distort an individual’s perception to such a large degree that their actions become unrecognizable from the person which we have previously known. 

One of the big problems associated with drug addiction is that the addictive drug has a possessing spirit attached to it which then takes control of the human who ingests the drug.   This is true for alcohol, heroin, cocaine as well as many pharmaceutical drugs and other substances of abuse.   In the case of these addictive drugs, the love for the drug itself becomes more important to the user than the love of themselves, family or friends and can lead to a dangerous downward spiral.  Knowing how common these forms of addiction are in the world, it is easy to see how the spirits associated with these drugs have grown in power to influence human behavior.  As their hosts continue to use the drug, they are unconsciously inviting the spirit of that drug deeper into their life and the drug then exerts increasingly stronger control over their lives leading to a downward spiral.

As is the case with most drug addiction; some possessing spirits come uninvited and take possession of the host without them noticing.  The duplicitous and deceitful behavior which may occur with drug abuse is also characteristic of demonic possession by a malevolent spirit and of dark sorcery in which an individual knowingly and willfully cultivates a relationship with a parasitic or possessing spiritual force to help him or her achieve their personal ends at the expense of others. 

As I observe the unfolding of recent world events; I am convinced that there is a parasitic spirit attached to Covid-19 which is even more potent than the spirits attached to common drugs of abuse.   Just as drug use has been used as an excuse by addicts to justify bad behavior throughout the ages; it appears that the spirit of Covid-19 is now being used to justify bad behavior from all corners as various parties exploit the measures used to contain the spread of the virus to achieve their personal agendas.   This occurs on both broad levels such as the destruction of political freedom in Hong Kong and on petty personal levels.  

Many individuals are exploiting the situation to help achieve their personal ambitions; and just like the cartel leader who justifies his ruthless business as “filling an existing demand”; their behavior is undermining efforts to contain the virus because they are addicted to the power which they have been able to claim for themselves.

When a parasite infects a host, the parasite attempts to control the behavior of the host in order continue to spread itself to other hosts.   The parasite of hatred continues to spread; the scale of this type of narcissistic behavior has been escalating and has entered almost all facets of life.  Political forces with varying and often competing agendas (including foreign intelligence/espionage agencies) are consciously manipulating parasitic thought forms and broadcasting them through social media with a coherent and well planned strategy to exacerbate existing fault lines within the society, create division and cause conflict as a means of furthering their own agendas.  We see this in debates about masks and lockdowns as well as in online debates about protests, street violence and social justice.

On a Shamanic level, it is not helpful to fall into the trap of focusing on a specific person or incident; but rather we must address the parasitic infection as a whole.   When we ask ourselves how we can contribute to making a positive change in reforming the systems of justice, accountability, and consequences which are no longer functioning properly in society; we must speak to changing the consciousness of the society itself.  While we may not be able to inspire a change of heart in those who consciously work in the shadows to create and exploit conflict; witnessing, exposing and shining the light of truth onto their actions helps others to see and make informed choices about what to believe and how to behave.  All dark sorcery operates in the shadows; when it is exposed to the light, it loses its effectiveness.  

Awareness is the key.  We can escape from the cycle of conflict and narcissistic abuse which is plaguing our world by understanding that it is the parasite of conflict that is the real problem.  From this point of understanding, we can find neutrality, refrain from being drawn into battle with those who are infected with the parasite and offer solutions to help transform these times of crisis into an opportunity to build deeper understanding, respect and harmony between the diversity of people with whom we share the world.
